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Día 26 da corentena

Unha das consecuencias pouco perceptibles -para min, inicialmente- deste peche foi o aumento da incapacidade para concentrarme un tempo longo nunha actividade intelectual algo esixente. Comecei con forza os primeiros días poñéndome un horario e lendo dentro del unhas cen páxinas diarias de "Tan poca vida" (aínda teño que falar deste libro por aquí) máis unhas poucas decenas de "Razones y personas" (tomando notas) para rematar a día de hoxe tendo problemas para ler seis páxinas de "The Master´s Voice" de Stanislaw Lem cada noite. Como contrapunto, as horas de surfeo interneteril, os milleiros de tuits que leo diariamente ou os centos de wasaps que reviso e contesto sen cesar dan conta de que estou como un polo sen cabeza totalmente descontrolado polas antigamente chamadas autoestradas da información. Tirando de nomenclatura xa en desuso diría que o meu grao de infoxicación é entre medio-alto e alto, e que a miña capacidade para manter a atención en algo que requira de tempo e concentración sufriu un baixón considerable nestas case catro semanas de confinamento. A dinamica das pantallas, como moi ben sinalan en Sobre as cousas (mentres escribo isto a miña cabeza di: "aínda non fixeches un tuit sobre a entrada que enlazas!"), é esnaquizadora: a dispersión permanente que experimentamos estes días lévanos a vagabundear polo inmenso territorio que é internet atentos durante tempos inferiores ao minuto a toda clase de estímulos e anzois nos que sempre rematamos picando. O punto de non retorno acádase cando un xa non se para a pensar que ten un problema con isto. Que certo malestar persistente estea amolándonos no noso surfear sen fin significa que aínda temos capacidade para, con certo esforzo da vontade, tratar de dar marcha atrás nesta corrente que nos arrastra. Por seguir coas miñas atinadas metáforas animais: sexamos salmóns remontando a corrente brutal do río, eses mesmos que cando chegan exhaustos ao seu destino so teñen xa forzas para desovar e morrer alí (vale, esta parte da metáfora sobraba).

Unha das miñas paradas habituais no meu devagar son os comentarios de youtube nas cancións que me gustan. Moitos deles son tremendísimas historias de desamor, enfermidade e/ou morte que che deixan petrificado. Hai exercicios de sinceridade que case parecen invencións perfectísimas (non é a sinceridade simplemente unha ferramenta retórica máis que tendemos a identificar estupidamente coa verdade?). Algún deles está calculado -creo- para poñernos a piques de soltar as bágoas (non a min, que estou moi curtido xa) (a alguén menos insensibilizado seguro que si) (pero a mi non) (que va). Como bo entomólogo youtuberístico afecioado deixo aquí algunhas pezas que me pareceron especialmente boas:

- segundo comentario en "All My Happines Is Gone":

I went to college with Dave. Me and another friend from those days were planning on going to his show on Monday. She had emailed him and asked if we could see him, to say hi. He said he would wait after the show for us, and he said he never does that, but that he would do it for us. I am crushed. I never met anyone like Dave. I will never forget when he was offering haircuts to make extra money, and he shaved my head. I dyed the rest black :) He had a great radio show on WTJU with his friend Rob called "The Black Hair Show." He wrote amazing poetry even then..much of it was written in the UVa morgue where he worked. He was so funny. Super witty and smart. Too much talent, gone too soon. This song is haunting me "some of them were once people I was happy to know".. I was happy to know you, Dave. RIP.

- doceavo comentario en "Darkness and Cold":
This video gets me everytime. This is literally how it went before my girlfriend and I broke up. The lyrics are very fitting of that relationship too, I was listening to Silver Jews “the wild kindness” that whole week that it ended. His music was a staple for me. He was the friend that I never had when everyone left. And now, he is a friend who has left. Rip Dave.

- treceavo comentario en "The Lamb - Tenebrae Choir"

This is so beautiful. I think it's the most beautiful thing I ever heard in my life. And it's a joy to watch the expressions on the women's faces. They are in pure exstasy. This is why I think there is still hope in mankind. A man who can compose this and singers who can deliver such a beautiful performance. This is the music that will accompany me on my way to the darkness.

- sexto comentario en "Massive Attack - The Spoils ft. Hope Sandoval"

My ex was cheating on me and continued to manipulate me and deny it. It was the most painful stripping away of all the light I saw in him and all the virtues I thought he lived by decayed before my very eyes. I'd say it felt like this song. Slow and soul-shattering death of the sacred bond we shared..but still loving that person in the strangest way and just wishing that they had the strength to do the right thing and be honest at the very'd think they would love you even enough to tell you the truth and let you go in as much peace as you can...I've somehow realized how strong I really am. I have an unbreakable heart, every time it's burnt I rise more loving...more understanding of humanity towards myself and others. I raised myself to be that way...amidst chaos and pain it's always a choice of love. In a weird way, it was a gift..that darkness he brought me. I learned my true colors.

- segundo comentario en "La Grande Bellezza (colonna sonora finale) The Great Beauty - "The Beatitudes"

What a beautiful poetic movie!
This is how it always ends. With death. But first there was life. Hidden beneath the blah, blah, blah. It's all settled beneath the chitter chatter and the noise. Silence and sentiment. Emotion and fear. The haggard, inconstant flashes of beauty. And then the wretched squalor and miserable humanity. All buried under the cover of the embarrassment of being in the world, blah, blah, blah... Beyond there is what lies beyond. I don't deal with what lies beyond. Therefore... let this novel begin. After all... it's just a trick. Yes, it's just a trick.

É normal que precisemos expresar o que nos proe por dentro (de que viven as redes sociais senón de facer pasta coa combinación desta necesidade e o narcisismo autista), e, con frecuencia, escollemos o parapeto dun nick nalgunha das infinitas caixas de comentarios que habitan o territorio inacabable de internet. Non queremos consolación. Queremos que a alguén lle guste a expresión da nosa aflición. Queremos o pracer de sentir que na nosa tristura hai algo atractivo para un feixe de descoñecidos. Que di iso de nós? A pregunta é boa, pero non estou capacitado para darlle outra resposta que non sexa algunha emoticona. Teño que ir correndo ao tuiter a facer un par de cousas urxentes. Quizais lle bote un ollo antes ao wasapp. Ai non, que agora mesmo teño unha videochamada entrante. Hai tempo, xa me poñerei.

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