a través del blog de publikaccion (es de madrugada, hace un calor horrible en casa y soy incapaz de dormir: a ésto conduce el insomnio veraniego), descubro el test de ikea para saber qué componente de la casa es uno; tras contestar diez sencillas preguntas ésta es la conclusión: You are a typical OBSERVATÖR TV stand!, (¿alguien puede ayudarme a traducirlo?)
se acompaña el resultado de un perfil sicológico muy ajustado:
OBSERVATÖR TV stands are usually described by their friends as being good listeners, quick-witted and with a keen eye for observation. Enemies, on the hand, see them as watchful, suspicious, trouble-making control-freaks. Such criticisms do not worry TV stands too much, since you know exactly who your friends and enemies are. More importantly, you know who you are. Other important qualities of the OBSERVATÖR TV stand include self-knowledge and the ability to see things in perspective, as well as individualism and a sense of humour. In troubled times, TV stands may be prone to attacks of melancholy, followed by feelings of cynicism. At such times, the OBSERVATÖR TV stand should take care not to be superior in his/her dealings with friends. There is nothing more risky than taking your friends for granted.
ésto es ikea: buen rollito con sus clientes!!!
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